Saturday, April 4, 2009

The ADD monster

Sometimes I think that if they had resource classes when I was in elementary school I would have been there for ADD. I am, let's say over 39, and still need coping skills to focus. I have good intentions, but I never finish what I start....guess that why the house is in disarray.

I really can't imagine being inside a child's mind that is truly ADD or ADHD and having to sit in a classroom all day. It must be like a jail. Imprisoned in a body with a mind that notices everything around you, but not being able to focus on any one thing. It's sad because so many of these children are the brighter kids. I have a great niece who is obviously ADD, and I watch her begin a project with all of the energy she has, but not long into it she is pulling at her hair, playing with her fingers, and has lost focus, not necessarily interest. It's not her fault.

I have friends with adult ADD, and it is hard for them to cope with it. If it were a matter of just not paying attention it would be a lot easier to handle. There is so much more to it than that. Just think, how many children are punished for that "not paying attention' when they are actually doing all they can in that department.

These kids need all the support at home that they can possibly receive to make learning important to them. Having parents that forget to sign reportcards, other papers that need returning to school, or show little or no interest in homework do not help matters. Unfortunately, this occurs with her, and I wonder if it doesn't worsen the effects of the ADD in general. I understand busy schedules, yes, I worked the whole time my daughter was in school, but I did return the necessary information back to school on time. I made sure I showed an interest in anything from school...large or she would know that it was important.

I have mixed emotions and opinions about medicine for ADD, but with testing that includes a test booklet and a separate answer sheet that has to be bubbled beginning as early as third grade, well, sometimes it makes sense that one has to focus. I really don't know, I do know I wish I had a magic cure. There is nothing sadder than being in a classroom and watching some struggling just to focus on a task, especially when you know the intelligence and knowledge is there. Also, one has to consider what the constant avalanche of stimuli does to a child's view of him or herself. I know I don't like myself on days when I get nothing accomplished because I hopped from one thing to another because I thought I was getting lots done...just to end the day in worse shape than I started. I'm grown and it's still hard to see that happen. A child's frustration must be enormous.

Parents, please, focus on the importance of your child's education. If you don't, the teachers can't alone. Children look to parents for guidance and direction, so when papers or reports or an art project comes home, take an interest. It is in your child's best interest that they have a belief that learning is important, and that it is expected of them to learn...or do all they can to learn.
Share stories and opinions...this is a common problem among children.

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