Friday, May 6, 2011

It's been a long time since............

Wow...I look at the date of my last blog and wonder where the time went?  Well, actually, that's a strange thing to say because I know exactly where it has gone.  Time has been passing quickly, slowly, happily, and miserably.  So much has happened...birth and death of grandchildren and other loved ones. 
I have grown older, but I have also grown wiser.  So many changes is what is actually a short time.  I do have new outlooks on many things...good and bad.  I am not an authority on anything.  I do not have freebies to share.  I just have life experiences that I want to share.  It's like when I was teaching school...if I help one, then I succeed.

I do know I want to share learning experiences with any who wish to read.  I am just me...a wife, mother, Gigi, friend, daughter, SIDS statistic...and so much more...I am a loving person. 

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