Sunday, July 20, 2008

Venting 101 Averted

Well, I got the lemon, fixed my tea, fed the dog the food she likes, and have on my bedroom shoes. Now, I vent. Funny how a 3 item trip can take so long. Then, I found the dog had escaped from the fence again. She met me in the driveway leaping for joy that I was home. She's always happy to come in. I think it must be the thrill of the escape for her. Never does she get in trash cans or bother people...she's friendly but shy.

After dragging a bag of food for a 53 lb. dog, I faithfully went out to try and block her next escape, which won't be until morning. She doesn't go out of the fence after dark...not too brave, but oh so sweet. I placed a board and anything thing heavy I could find around the escape hole. Hubby spent all last Saturday securing the opposite side of the fence. He works out of town and didn't come home this weekend, to save gas. Gas! I will not start on that again. It's hurting everyone, so everyone knows the agony.

Funny thing, I checked my mail before writing, and there was a survey waiting. It was about dogfood, Purina. That's what I bought. Too bad my ranking is too low to get paid for writing about the product. Maybe one day!!!

It's funny how a dog food run and escape hole fixing will take your mind off your worries. It did mine to a certain extent. Anyone know a good dog trainer?

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