Sunday, July 20, 2008


Were some people behind the door when good sense and good morale values were handed out? I do have to wonder. Always I have had little tolerance for deadbeats who whine about how their lives were so bad it made them the beings they are as adults. I don't want to sound mean or uncaring, but some situations (and people) just plain stink. I know people can be scarred from their childhood, I was. My birth-father left when I was two, and I never saw him. It was only six years ago that I found out he had recently died. Yes, I have wondered what I did to make him leave, but I had to accept the fact that I was only two and did nothing, he was just a deadbeat dad. Also, I know people go through much worse situations than I did. My husband was raised in a physical and emotional abusive family. He wanted to be different, and he is one of the best people you will ever meet!
I think the idea of deadbeats stayed on my mind since the incident at the gas pump (two blogs down). It made me think of a 25 year old guy, I can't call him a man, who is married and living with his girlfriend. Yes, I typed it correctly. He has a 6 year old daughter by the wife, and a 1 1/2 year old daughter by another girlfriend...and he lives with another??? Confusing, to say the least. This is where I get real confused about the morales, or lack of morales, that people have or don't have.
It simply leaves me in awe of how anyone could do be this way. It makes me mad that children are neglected because parents use any reason to excuse the fact that they are not living up to their moral obligations as parents and human beings. Poor, pitiful me, when I was young....does not release human beings from being human beings. I can rant for days, but I think I have explained this topic on my gripe list sufficiently and don't want to over do it.
Really friends, I simply do not understand some people. I have a strong need to understand situations...always have. I read and study to understand many things, but there is no literature to explain this one.
Now, I am having doubts. Do I just delete this or publish? Having a soft heart, I don't want to insult anyone, but then again, I don't think the kind of people I am talking about would understand that it's them I'm venting about!
Do I over analyze? Am I too harsh? I have had a hard time not hitting the delete button on this one. I would really love to know what you think!

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